We are proud of the large network of 120 business partners in the country and the region. We offer our partners design, advice, equipment, professional education, promotion and support in work. We always put quality and a high level of service in the first place in order to achieve long-term cooperation. We want all our partners to grow and develop together with us.

Partners in Serbia and the region

By connecting with renowned equipment manufacturers, VUEKO has provided the necessary support in the further development of KNX standards in our country and in the region. By catalog sales of quality KNX equipment from stock, fast, efficient and safe delivery, we have gained the trust of many customers. We have a logistics warehouse of KNX equipment in Serbia and we are the only one to deliver the goods within 48 hours from the day of payment.

KNX trening

During the past period, more than 120 KNX programmers left our Training center, who completed the certified KNX training and who are registered in the KNX association.

By increasing the number of certified electricians, electrical engineers, electrical technicians, we will bring closer and accelerate the application of KNX / EIB technology, which affects the reduction and more rational consumption of electricity.


In the past period we have invested a lot of time, love and work trying to provide as many KNX partners and KNX equipment, to collect as much information and data on KNX standard and technical characteristics and to organize cooperation according to world standards to make KNX standard more accessible and bring it closer to you, fans of smart home systems. We offer you everything in one place as a reliable and proven partner.